Thursday 18 August 2011

Minimal Movie Posters : The Hangover

These are minimal movie posters based on characters in the film 'The Hangover'. I have added traits & characteristics to each character, and also details (such as scratches and cuts), that each character has/gains in the film.
Alan has a massive beard, and also gains a black eye from being
punched in the face by Mike Tyson.

Phil wears his sunglasses most of the time, and besides not shaving and
getting a cut on the lip, he also gets scratched on the neck by Mike
Tyson's tiger in the car.

Stu loses his front tooth at the beginning of the film, and it turns out this is
due to a dare by Alan to see if he is a good enough dentist by pulling it out.

Sunday 14 August 2011

Minimal Movie Posters

Recently inspired by the discovery of minimal movie poster designs, I have become inspired to do my own poster designs based on my favourite films.

First of all, is Hitman. A good film, and an amazing game franchise, I tried to catch the personality and theme of the film, as well as highlight who the character (Agent 47) is. I used the game's official font for the film, as well as the director's name.

Second is one of my top 5 films ever, Batman: The Dark Knight. An amazing film by visionary Christopher Nolan, who has truly brought the Batman franchise to recent greatness, it features Batman's journey to stop the maniacal Joker. I loved the film, and tried to show both of these 2 character's personalities and iconic traits through the design, which I feel has succeeded.

Third is once again, one of my top 5 films ever, and this one is Iron Man, directed by Jon Favreau. This film is so cool, and really that's the best way to describe it. Robert Downey Jr plays Iron Man/Tony Stark, and he creates the heroic character to protect the world. I loved the film, and tried to recreate the face as a minimal piece, but I feel that detail is necessary in showing how epic the character is.

More to come!

Hey, Long Time No Blog!

Hello, it's been a while since I last blogged (since February to be honest actually, so yeah a while)! Been up to so much, finished my first year of uni with good marks and I'm looking forward to getting back and seeing all my mates and again and moving into my new accommodation and meeting my new flatmates (2 I already know and 3 more yet to meet) too, so there is quite a bit to look forward to. Whilst I've been off I have had interviews with 2 design agencies, one in Whittlesey, and one in March, both are small towns not far from where I live. I have been offered work experience in September by one of the agencies, so hopefully this will become something influential in my future studies!

I have also done some drawing and doodles throughout my time off getting handy with programmes and trying to teach myself with tutorials over the internet. I even started to create my own website homepage, however, I felt I hadn't quite thought the layout through enough and I wasn't pleased with some of the parts I was hoping to incorporate into the design, so I have abandoned that for now, I may ask some friends from uni for some help and advise, 2 of which are highly proficient in the use of Dreamweaver.

I had also set myself a target of researching a number of designs/photographers/artists that I feel inspired by, and collect pieces of work for both inspiration and documentation. I have practised photography too, and trying to hone my skills even more so with a camera.

Best of all though. I have a girlfriend now and wow did I get lucky with this girl! Her name is Alice, and she is incredible, and I try not to let her forget that haha. She is both beautiful & smart, fun & happy and full of life, kind and supportive, I could really be here all day just listing all the amazing things shes done and helped me with, and all the inspiration she has given me, and really, how happy she makes me!

I'm so happy with everything in my life at the moment!

Truth is, though I'm glad first year is over and I'm ready to get back and see everyone, I am quite scared about the coming year! 1st years and 3rd years were out quite a bit last year, but 2nd years ahrdly did anything apart from work, and the reality has hit me that there is going to be a hell of a lot more hard work this year! This is where everything that I have collected through a collective of studies over multiple years really comes into play. It's all blood, sweat and tears from this point onwards. But the higher the stakes makes greater rewards. I work hard anyway, but this year I am determined to become the best I can be at this and nothing is going to stop my achieving my goal of becoming a great skilled and broad minded designer! It's on now!

I will be updating again soon, I had forgotten how much of a great way this is to document yourself and all the stuff I am have done/will do.

This is Joshua Hall, The Hall Of Design, signing off for now! (ps. my sister has managed to get into a media course at a prestigious college, so hopefully she'll become the Hall Of Media alongside me in design. Just a thought, but I like it!)

Also, I have finally designed a potential logo to represent myself. I have been struggling with this all summer, using design after design, but I finally settled upon this and I really like it, and I like what it can potentially represent about myself and the work I do.