Thursday 3 February 2011


Alongside our Zines brief, we have also been set weekly photography briefs and challenges. Each week, our tutor gives us a lecture on the rules and compositions and styles of photography, which are extremely interesting as they show photographers and examples of their work, and then we are set the task of going out into the world and photographing the subject we given to look at. 
         Certain principles of photography that we have been taught and need to learn for ourselves include the 'Rule of Thirds', 'Leading Lines', 'Shot Construction', 'Wide Shots & Close Ups', 'Lighting', 'Backgrounds' and 'Exposure'; all things that we need to use/take advantage of in our photography and image making.

The first one of these briefs we were given was Beauty. As the old saying goes 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder', and this is most certainly true, as it is up to us what we photograph and up to us how we create the image and give off a message in our images, as long as it can in some way covey beauty, or follows the basic rules and princoples of photography well and accurately. 

Here are my 10 images:

Beauty in...Architecture

Beauty in...Nature
Beauty in...Stone

Beauty in...Steel

Beauty in...Abstract

Beauty in...Wood
Beauty in...Structure

Beauty in...Human Features
Beauty in...Straight Lines

Beauty in...Leading Lines

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